Experienced. Reliable. Delivering Effective Solutions Dedicated Representation

The Kammer Group, LLC is a multi-practice government affairs and association management firm with offices in Madison and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We have over a decade of proven successes for our clients in areas of government affairs, procurement, association management and public relations.

Advisory areas

Government Affairs

Legislative, regulatory or procurement issues, we understand the process and have access to forward client objectives. Our level of professionalism and bi-partisan relationships is reflected in our success rate and has distinguished us a highly effective and respected firm in the state.

Association Management

We provide a complete range of management services, working with associations throughout the state of Wisconsin. A broad view of best practices have been developed, benefiting multiple clients. Managing in partnership with boards of directors to provide high energy leadership, strategic development, event planning, and operational administration.

Government Contracts

Practice extends to all phases of the procurement process including pre and post-award counseling. Navigating through the complex phases and procedures to help clients reap the rewards in a highly competitive environment.

Public Relations

A well-crafted and coordinated message can pre-empt a problem, mitigate damage in a crisis or shape opinion. Through building narratives, strategic communications, and grassroots advocacy our team helps move public opinion in the desired direction.

We build solid communication strategies for our clients.

We provide clients a broad and diverse range of government relations and lobbying services that are based on our experience, expertise, and solid working relationships within state and local governments.


As a bipartisan lobbying firm, we specialize in creating, implementing, and changing public policy. Whether you seek new legislation, need to modify regulation, or want to put a stop to adverse legislation, we have the skills to achieve results under the most difficult circumstances.

Our Team, Your Cause

Our close-knit team provides the personal service your members expect, backed by a staff of specialists. We use the knowledge gained from working with multiple organizations to help your organization achieve its highest potential.

Government Affairs Associate

Director of Operations

Executive Director

Association Manager

Connect with us to discuss your cause.

©2024 The Kammer Group LLC

220 S Hamilton Street
Madison, WI 53703
Ph:  608-512-1280

Website Design by
Chrysalis Design Works

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